Our science
Learn more about how we pioneered non-invasive neuromodulation for cognitive rehabilitation, and read the science that supports MindLenses Professional.
Conducted through the collaboration of world-renowned cognitive neuroscientists and clinicians and built on previous peer-reviewed research and extensive clinical expertise, clinical trials ensure MindLenses Professional is effective and safe.
Compared with traditional cognitive rehabilitation interventions
Quali sono le terapie tradizionali?
In Italia, la riabilitazione cognitiva si svolge solitamente con metodi “carta e penna”: esercizi su fotocopia oppure da libri, carte, giochi da tavolo eccetera. Sono proprio queste terapie “carta e penna” i metodi tradizionali con i quali viene confrontato MindLenses nei trial clinici a cui è sottoposto.
Il trattamento di riabilitazione tradizionale carta e penna costituisce ciò che viene chiamato gruppo di controllo, che serve per avere un “paragone” rispetto a MindLenses.
In un trial clinico, i ricercatori si chiedono: i pazienti beneficiano di più dalla vecchia terapia oppure dalla nuova? E di quanto?
Di solito, l’ipotesi di base è che le due terapie si equivalgano, ovvero che la nuova non costituisca un peggioramento.
Nella pratica, ci si aspetta che la nuova terapia apporti un beneficio maggiore e si procede quindi a misurarlo in maniera quantitativa.
Clinical trials
We are committed to rigorous clinical research to demonstrate the effectiveness of our treatment. Currently, MindLenses Professional has 3 active Phase I clinical trials focused on stroke and MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) patients.
The results of the first completed clinical trial of MindLenses Professional on stroke patients have recently been published in a leading peer-reviewed journal.
Read the news here.
Download a list of active trials and ongoing research
Our data pool
Ogni terapia confluisce, in maniera sicura e anonima, nell’insieme di dati che possiamo utilizzare per fare analisi interne.
Questi dati costituiscono materiale per le nostre pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche, servono per ulteriori analisi con vari gradi di complessità, oppure per delle “estrazioni” che all’occorrenza ci permettono di verificare l’andamento delle terapie di una particolare tipologia di pazienti, fascia di età, eccetera.
Nei limiti delle esigenze di confidenzialità dettate dall’utilizzo che ne facciamo nelle pubblicazioni, in questa pagina andremo condividendo alcune di queste analisi, suddivise per patologia oppure per popolazione di riferimento.
Scientific literature
With continued scientific research, we now understand the brain mechanisms that make our product effective.
From the first landmark studies on non-invasive neuromodulation to the most recent applications of prismatic adaptation in clinical practice, MindLenses is supported by 20 years of sound scientific work. Read a selection of the most important publications that compose our scientific history.
Our clients say
My ADHD patients achieved good results with MindLenses, especially on attention scores and executive function. In some cases, the parents were able to report positive behavioral changes - for example, the kids were able to attend to their homeworks over longer periods of time.
Lauro Quadrana, Child Psycologyst, Umberto I Hospital (Rome)
MindLenses Professional is a great addition to our Applied Behavioral Analysis methods.
Maria Pia Pellerito, Clinical Psychologist
I mostly see dementia and mild cognitive impairment cases. I was positively surprised by the way the therapy was received by my patients, and by the results that some of them were able to reach. The wife of a patient, seeing the improvements her husband achieved with MindLenses, asked if she could try it as well! I also appreciate how convenient it is to bring MindLenses to home visits, because it fits in my purse.
Claudia Cerutti, Clinical Psychologist, Expert in Cognitive Stimulation
I am always on the hunt for ways to bring innovation in my clinical practice, and I am glad I decided to adopt MindLenses. I appreciate its versatility and efficacy in my interventions on ADHD patients.
Riccardo Corsi, Clinical Psychologist, ADHD Expert
With MindLenses, I don't waste any more time with paper copies of my patients' neuropsychological evaluations. I can do the tests directly on the tablet.
Sonia Alcamisi, Clinical Psychologist
We've been using MindLenses for a while now. It brought innovation in our work and great results.
Giorgio Mandalà, Physiatrist, Buccheri-La Ferla Hospital
I appreciate MindLenses' versatility. With one tool, I can treat different type of patients, from adults in post-stroke care to children with ADHD.
Floreana Fazio, Clinical Psychologist
I work in a residential care facility. We appreciate that MindLenses is tolerated by elderly patients who normally struggle with traditional pen-and-paper rehabilitation.