certified medical device
The first-of-its kind cognitive rehabilitation device
MindLenses is used in cognitive functions recovery
MindLenses helps restoring normal cognitive function after a stroke, brain injury, or as part of the treatment for a neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative disorder.
To store relevant information
To focus on the world
To communicate verbally
To organize and coordinate actions
What is cognitive impairment?
Causes and symptomps
After a stroke or a head trauma, the brain can be damaged in different ways. Such damage can cause cognitive dysfunction, an expression which refers to the impairment of those skills that our brain uses to effectively navigate the world. These skills are sometimes in place without us even noticing: think for example when we simply follow the course of an action unfolding in front of us. Other times, they require some conscious effort from our part - such as when we try to remember what we had yesterday for lunch – or be really quite complex, such as when we have to plan something by taking many small decisions to coordinate the course of our actions. After a stroke or brain injury, all of these cognitive skills can be impaired to a different degree. Different kind of cognitive impairments can also happen in certain portions of the neurodevelopmental disorders spectrum (think attention in ADHD) and in neurodegenerative diseases.
There is no such thing as “the perfect recipe" to treat cognitive impairments. Planning an effective therapeutic intervention requires a careful assessment of what caused the impairment, its characteristics, and the patient’s situation - including other health conditions. In general, therapies that don’t involve the use of drugs aim at reducing the impairment. and/or slowing down further decline. Rehabilitation usually stresses the importance of the recovery of every day functions - a goal that often benefits from activities that stimulate the brain on specific cognitive functions (memory, planning, speaking, paying attention to external stimuli etc.) In MindLensens Professional, such stimulation is carried out with special videogames designed to tap on specific functions, and made more effective with a brain plasticity-boosting neuromodulation protocol.
Cognitive impairment rehabilitation with videogames and non-invasive neuromodulation
MindLenses Professional
Parlane con il tuo specialista!
un sistema premiato e innovativo
6 Reasons MindLenses is different
MindLenses is a new device for cognitive rehabilitation. It comes straight from research and was developed by a team of experience clinicians.
MindLenses aumenta il valore delle sedute di terapia e ne stabilisce un numero certo ogni mese.
MindLenses è pronto all'uso in 3 minuti. Mettilo in borsa per averlo sempre con te.
Grazie all'intuitivo sistema di reportistica, puoi condividere con il paziente i suoi progressi.
MindLenses non lascia nulla al caso. I progressi del paziente sono esaminati con rigore grazie ai test prima e dopo il trattamento.
MindLenses si utilizza per un diverse permettendoti di utilizzare solamente un device con svariate possibilità di personalizzazione.
MindLenses aumenta la compliance alla terapia. Dai bambini agli anziani, il tablet è adatto a tutti, e soprattutto non annoia mai!
Find professionals near you
My ADHD patients achieved good results with MindLenses, especially on attention scores and executive function. In some cases, the parents were able to report positive behavioral changes - for example, the kids were able to attend to their homeworks over longer periods of time.
Lauro Quadrana, Child Psycologyst, Umberto I Hospital (Rome)
MindLenses Professional is a great addition to our Applied Behavioral Analysis methods.
Maria Pia Pellerito, Clinical Psychologist
I mostly see dementia and mild cognitive impairment cases. I was positively surprised by the way the therapy was received by my patients, and by the results that some of them were able to reach. The wife of a patient, seeing the improvements her husband achieved with MindLenses, asked if she could try it as well! I also appreciate how convenient it is to bring MindLenses to home visits, because it fits in my purse.
Claudia Cerutti, Clinical Psychologist, Expert in Cognitive Stimulation
I am always on the hunt for ways to bring innovation in my clinical practice, and I am glad I decided to adopt MindLenses. I appreciate its versatility and efficacy in my interventions on ADHD patients.
Riccardo Corsi, Clinical Psychologist, ADHD Expert
With MindLenses, I don't waste any more time with paper copies of my patients' neuropsychological evaluations. I can do the tests directly on the tablet.
Sonia Alcamisi, Clinical Psychologist
We've been using MindLenses for a while now. It brought innovation in our work and great results.
Giorgio Mandalà, Physiatrist, Buccheri-La Ferla Hospital
I appreciate MindLenses' versatility. With one tool, I can treat different type of patients, from adults in post-stroke care to children with ADHD.
Floreana Fazio, Clinical Psychologist
I work in a residential care facility. We appreciate that MindLenses is tolerated by elderly patients who normally struggle with traditional pen-and-paper rehabilitation.
Monica Rapattoni, Psychologist, Fondazione OIC Padova
MindLenses: Cognitive Dysfunctions treatment
Frequently asked questions
Questo dipende da tantissimi fattori, come la gravità del deficit cognitivo, l’evento o la patologia che lo ha causato, l’età e le caratteristiche personali.
In generale, molti pazienti beneficiano da un trattamento con MindLenses. Il tuo medico o specialista di fiducia saprà indicarti la terapia più indicata.
La neuromodulazione è una tecnica usata nella riabilitazione e nel trattamento di disturbi cognitivi e psichiatrici, che consiste nel “perturbare” l’attività dei neuroni del nostro cervello tramite una strumentazione specializzata.
Nel nostro caso, tale strumentazione consiste in un paio di lenti prismatiche. La neuromodulazione tramite lenti prismatiche è non invasiva perché non prevede l’utilizzo di fattori esterni come elettrodi o magneti direttamente a contatto con il corpo del paziente (cosa che avviene in altre tecniche di neuromodulazione, come la tDCS).
La neuromodulazione tramite adattamento prismatico è del tutto indolore.
L’effetto di “perturbazione” neuronale ottenuto con le lenti prismatiche è calibrato per portare il cervello in uno stato più “reattivo” per il periodo di tempo limitato allo svolgimento della terapia comportamentale.
MindLenses è un dispositivo medico di Classe I progettato proprio per i disturbi cognitivi post-ictus.
Come sempre, la decisione di intraprendere una terapia dipende da molti fattori, e va sempre concordata con il tuo specialista di riferimento.
Sì, a partire dall’età scolare. MindLenses è indicato per accompagnare una terapia per il trattamento dell’ADHD.
È possibile che qualche specialista non sia ancora informato dell’esistenza di MindLenses.
MindLenses è infatti uno strumento nuovo, anche se già utilizzato nei centri di neuroriabilitazione più avanzati in Italia, come l’IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia di Roma e l’IRCCS San Camillo di Venezia.
Parla di noi al tuo medico mostrandogli questa brochure, oppure scrivici – lo contatteremo!